The National Education Union’s joint General Secretary Kevin Courtney spoke to Sky News on why the government’s plan to reopen schools is reckless and irresponsible
School safety zone. Source: Counterfire
30 May 2020
Not until it’s safe: stay away on 1st June
Priti Patel, Matt Hancock, Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak, Dominic Raab. Photos: Flickr/Number10
22 May 2020
This crisis has exposed the Tory class for what they’re really like – CounterBlast 21 May
Photo: Pixabay
20 May 2020
Liverpool defies Johnson’s dangerous schools plan
Edenred logo. Source: Wikipedia
16 Apr 2020
Profit over people still the mantra, as school meal vouchers don’t reach families
Boris Johnson, Coronavirus Briefing. Photo: Flickr/Number10
18 Mar 2020