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We ask you to donate to our crowdfunder this May Day to help build a fighting left

As the social crisis deepens, and Starmer’s Labour rushes rightwards, more and more people are looking for radical politics. It is clear that a Starmer Labour party will come nowhere near to delivering the kind of change working people need. We urgently need a bigger, stronger socialist left. 

That is why we are asking you to give to our crowdfunder this May Day.

Change is going to come from our own struggles, from the growing number of strikes, protests and campaigns on the ground. But these struggles need to be connected and turned into a movement for fundamental change.

This is the kind of fighting left Counterfire aims to create. We are growing. Wherever we have organisation – in the unions and workplaces, in towns and cities across Britain – our radical socialist arguments are cutting through.

We want revolutionary socialist organisation in every corner of the UK and to set up branches everywhere. We want to extend the reach of our monthly paper, the radical left’s only free newspaper. We aim to expand the content and coverage of, already one of the best-read websites on the left.

To do all this we need more organisers, more events and more publications. All this costs money. That is why have launched this crowdfunder.

The situation facing people could hardly be more serious. The anger is growing. Don’t let a lack of funds hold back the spread of socialism. Please GO BIG this May Day and help us turn anger into better, stronger, socialist organisation.

Before you go

The ongoing genocide in Gaza, Starmer’s austerity and the danger of a resurgent far right demonstrate the urgent need for socialist organisation and ideas. Counterfire has been central to the Palestine revolt and we are committed to building mass, united movements of resistance. Become a member today and join the fightback.

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