Next Saturday Counterfire is hosting a day of discussion about Marxism and its relevance to today’s multilevel crisis. The organisers explain why it matters.

The capitalist system is failing. Inflation and slump threaten homelessness and hunger. In the Global South, whole states are in collapse. The great powers are resorting to war to overcome their problems, plunging the world further into crisis. Catastrophic climate events are already with us.

The need for socialist transformation is clear. Resistance is growing in Britain and around the world. Here, hundreds of thousands of workers have been on strike for pay rises and better work conditions. Thousands more have taken to the streets against the desperate consequences of the cost-of-living crisis. 

To fight for fundamental change however, we need to understand the dynamics of capitalism and learn the lessons of past struggles. Marxism is exactly this: the theory of system change. Marxism in a Day provides an introduction to the Marxist method and Marx’s critique of capitalism. At the same time, it will be a chance to apply and update Marxist ideas to our fast-changing world. Come along and discuss how to make change happen!

Marxism in a Day
Saturday 26 November, 10am-5pm
Lumen Church, 88 Tavistock Place, London, WC1H 9RS

Book now on Eventbrite


Before you go

Counterfire is growing faster than ever before

We need to raise £20,000 as we are having to expand operations. We are moving to a bigger, better central office, upping our print run and distribution, buying a new printer, new computers and employing more staff.

Please give generously.

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