Rank & File Conference, Rich Mix, London, June 2023 Rank & File Conference, Rich Mix, London, June 2023. Photo: Counterfire

Three new members from different parts of the country explain why they think Counterfire matters as an organisation

As the Tories’ attacks mount and Starmer staggers further and further to the right, the need for a principled, fighting, socialist alternative has never been greater. 

Counterfire has branches around the country, we organise support for the strikes and protests locally, work to develop rank and file resistance and our members are central to national campaigns against austerity and war.

We also fight for socialist politics in the movement putting the case for a full blown transformation of society by and for working people. 

The world faces a series of deep crises and the case for radical change could hardly be clearer. Here is what some new members said about why they joined:

Richard from Glasgow 

Counterfire provides a platform for workers across unions and movements to come together and learn from each other’s trials and tribulations. It has made me aware of how important solidarity is to other striking workers and will be vital in regaining class consciousness, pushing Marxist analysis back into the everyday conversations workers have.

I joined Counterfire as these forums and networks are vital to working class organisation and political education. The regular meetings, reading groups and comradery have all helped me organise in my own workplace and provided me with several interesting perspectives to the many ongoing global political crises.

Rob from Birmingham 

I joined Counterfire because of their relentless focus on the question of strategy, how we win the struggle against the rich, as well as members’ concrete and consistent involvement in Stop the War, the trade union movement, and the People’s Assembly and a host of other campaigns.

Annie from London 

What I like about Counterfire is, we don’t just talk about socialism, we go out there and help to make it happen. Whether it’s supporting frontline workers exploited by bosses and denied fair pay, or collaborating and standing strong with those on the left of the Labour party under attack from Starmer.  

Counterfire has helped to develop my political awareness and given me courage to stand up against global injustices from Palestine to the Ukraine war. When you are new, long term members don’t make you feel like an outsider. It’s a great organisation to be part of and it’s fantastic to be enabling working people to fight back and to celebrate their successes. I feel empowered to take direct action against the worst government in my lifetime.

We urge you to join us now to help make change happen. 

Before you go

Counterfire is growing faster than ever before

We need to raise £20,000 as we are having to expand operations. We are moving to a bigger, better central office, upping our print run and distribution, buying a new printer, new computers and employing more staff.

Please give generously.