Lewis Cook reports on a rally at Royal London Hospital which brought together striking junior doctors, consultants and hospital workers in a joint fight to save the NHS
Wednesday marked a historical moment which saw junior doctors and consultants in the BMA join forces and strike together in an escalation of their industrial action.
In London, over 1,000 staff including nurses, pathologists, cleaners, caterers, porters and those in other ancillary roles from Royal London Hospital also joined the picket lines as they continued their dispute over safe staffing levels and staff shortages, which have reached such a dangerous level that they risk the health of patients and threaten staff welfare.
The coordinated strikes by BMA and Unite members displayed the kind of united action needed in the fight to save the NHS. The rally was well attended and lively from the beginning – it was great to see cross-union solidarity in full effect.
Strikers chanted, “Who’s got the power? We’ve got the power! What kind of power? Union power!”
There were well-received speeches from several striking workers from both of the unions and local MP Apsana Begum also attended the rally and delivered a powerful speech outlining her continued support for all striking workers.
The rally was very vibrant and all of the workers left feeling motivated and ready to continue the fight to save our NHS. As the Tories threaten to use the newly-passed Minimum Service Levels Act to break the BMA strikes, our solidarity is more necessary than ever!
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