Come along this Thursday 24 February to the first of the Counterfire Lectures. Elaine Graham-Leigh will be speaking on Climate Crisis: capitalism and environmental catastrophe.
It is becoming increasingly clear that for all their ‘green’ rhetoric (the Tory logo is a squiggly green tree) Cameron/Clegg et al are pursuing an agenda that is deep blue.
But how do we fight against the danger of climate change when first Kyoto and then Copenhagen fail to reach any agreement on carbon reductions? Do we rely on politicians who can’t even sort out the bankers, or do we have to take collective action ourselves?
The Counterfire Lectures: 24th February – 20th April
To change the world, first you have to understand it. The Counterfire Lectures seek to develop an analysis of the complex nature of the global capitalist system today.
Rooted in the ideas of Marxism, they will focus on key issues facing revolutionaries in the 21st Century.
The lectures will be followed by plenty of time for contributions, questions and discussion.
Thurs 24/2/2011 @ 6.30pm Climate crisis: capitalism and environmental catastrophe (speaker Elaine Graham-Leigh)
Marchment Community Centre, Marchment St, London WC1N 1AB.
Follow this link for the list of lectures