This motion passed by TSSA, which refers to CoR, is an important indication of the increasing endorsement by union conferences of what can be called ‘social movement trade unionism’ which complements organising and industrial approaches.
That this Conference congratulates the EC on its efforts to raise the campaigning activities and profile of the Association. Conference, in particular, welcomes the EC’s decisions to initiate a Campaigns Committee and to set up a two person Community Organising Team.
Conference recognises that the Coalition government’s cuts agenda is part of an ideological attack which is against the interests of the mass of the British people. Conference agrees that maximising unity and the level of organisation are needed to defeat these attacks, made on behalf of the rich and powerful.
Conference urges the EC to continue this struggle by:
(a) drawing Association members into resisting the cuts to public transport and also those made across the full social spectrum of health, education, housing and social services;
(b) participating in non-violent resistance activities in conjunction with others such as trade unions, trades councils, the People’s Charter, the Coalition of Resistance and local community organisations, and
(c) arguing within the Labour Party for progressive policies such as investing in infrastructure rather than following a variation of the Coalition government’s cuts agenda.”