Saturday November 27

Camden Centre

Bidborough St, London WC1H 9AU



  • Unemployed/Student Rate £3
  • Standard Rate £5
  • Representative £10

Details of speakers and workshops to follow

A large number of trades unionists, campaigners, academics, students, pensioners and others have signed the statement proposing a Coalition of Resistance to the Con-Dems budget cuts and consequent dismantling of key elements of the welfare state.

We are asking others to join us. Please sign our statement and come to the conference at the Camden Centre on the 27th November 2010.

The conference will be part of organising the fightback and proposing an alternative solution to the deep economic crisis that is destroying the lives of millions.

Across Europe governments are foisting the same austerity measures onto the backs of working people. In Greece, Spain, France and elsewhere there have been large scale strike movements opposing these cuts.

The conference will hear speakers from those struggles and from delegates from the anti-cuts and anti-privatisation groups springing up in this country. There will be workshops and the opportunity for all to have their voices heard.

Conference Registration
Address – Email

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