Dear members, friends and supporters of Counterfire,

As the cuts bite deeper and deeper, economic chaos threatens to engulf Europe and the left starts to mount a serious fightback in at least in some parts of the continent, the job of strengthening opposition to austerity in Britain has become increasingly urgent.

In the next two weeks there are a few crucial events that we are asking all of our members and sympathisers to attend and to promote as widely and effectively as possible.

The Coalition of Resistance has organised a crucial London meeting to launch the TUC’s call for a national demonstration against austerity.

The Stop the Cuts public meeting features an incredible line up including Tony Benn, Christine Blower from the NUT, Owen Jones, Len McCLuskey of UNITE, Clare Solomon,Danielle Obono from the Front de Gauche in France, Vassilis Fouskas from SYRIZA in Greece, Andrew Burgin from CoR and more. It takes place on Tuesday 19 June at 6.30pm at Friends Meeting House, 173-177 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ

This meeting matters; it is about getting the mobilisation for the TUC demonstration started now so that momentum can be built over the summer and the demonstration can be turned into a real expression of the anger so many feel. Please make sure you come if you are in London or the South East and spread the word far and wide.

Please tweet, share and invite your friends here

In Newcastle activists are also launching their push for the TUC mobilisation at a rally on Thursday 14 June – 6.30-8pm – Royal Station Hotel (next to Newcastle Central Station). Please spread the word online here

Please also do your best to come to:

Counterfire National meeting for members and supporters
Eurochaos: The left and the resistance.

Date: Sunday 24 June 2012
Time: 12 Midday to 4.30pm 
Venue: School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG.

This meeting will be a chance to discuss in more detail the issues raised by the deepening crisis. What impact will the crisis have on Britain? How should the Left respond to economic collapse? How can we support the Greek people? How can we build an effective anti austerity movement here? How can we help rebuild fighting unions?

To register for the event (members and non members) please go to the registration page here.

Here is the agenda.

Here is a copy of the constitution for your reference.

Many thanks and see you soon,

Chris Nineham
Counterfire National Secretary

Chris Nineham

Chris Nineham is a founder member of Stop the War and Counterfire, speaking regularly around the country on behalf of both. He is author of The People Versus Tony Blair and Capitalism and Class Consciousness: the ideas of Georg Lukacs.