A poem by William Alderson on the current state of Britian
May Days
Through Britain’s towns and Britain’s fields
Unfettered Power makes her way.
All hope is lost, joy falters, yields,
And cold December, blighting May
Like flowers beneath her footsteps, wakes
A nation to the bitter fact
That times are hard; the steps she takes
Are forced; the payments she exacts
Are vital to our future gain.
With serious look and steady voice
She tells us we must bear the pain,
And that there really is no choice:
The maths is plain, a little paid
By everyone can clearly do
Much more than if the burden’s laid
Upon the shoulders of a few.
Her words, seductive, reassure
Some worrying about their debts
Or a future grown insecure
As change approaches. Meanwhile threats
Take up the slack where logic fails,
And those who can’t afford to make
A contribution she assails,
Insisting it’s not fair to take
No share from them. And yet we find
With every penny scrimped and saved
Our freedom is reduced, confined,
Our lives contracted and enslaved
Until the tree-lined streets and lanes
Of Britain are become a jail,
A prison in which Power reigns,
And protest is to no avail.
Meanwhile, her cuts in business tax
And generous emoluments
To private firms for these attacks
So boost investor confidence
That Britain buckles under Wealth,
That genial rascal with a grin,
Who lifts a pint to wish you health –
So long as you have brought them in.
He never pays a penny out
On any pleasure but his own,
And pulls the public purse about
Like fox hounds with a meaty bone.
For Wealth it is who cuts the keys
To every new-built prison cell –
By stripping from economies
The cash which drives the carousel
Of services, production, jobs
And trade, he jams the works. Each horse
Which danced in painted joy he robs
Of movement; bound to Wealth by force
Of twisted contracts, they’re denied
All certainty of pay, while he
Will hug the profits to himself, and ride
The worker, sink the refugee.
Here trots the many-headed Press,
A rabid dog which snarls and bites
The hands which feed it, though no less
A willing guardian of their rights.
It barks to drown out other views;
It rends the truth and growls at those
Alleged to fabricate fake news,
But all the time its bias shows.
It pisses moonshine, lies distilled
So crudely that they make you blind,
And leave you sweating, trembling, filled
With terrors which confuse the mind.
In this company Power stalks
As warder of the British jail,
While boasting that she never baulks
When hard decisions must prevail.
Three thousand children on her soul
Would not be sacrifice enough
To turn her from the noble role
Of being honest, fair and tough.
Now noises come from every side
As murmurs rise to cries of grief
Or anger at “Request denied”.
A heartlessness beyond belief,
It seems, to those who nearly died
Escaping persecution, war
And famine, to be told they lied
And cannot stay here anymore.
Rendition passed this man to tools
Of Power and her harsh demands,
But nobody who broke the rules
Will face official reprimands.
This woman dragged along the floor
With scars from torture on her skin
Still hopes to see her child once more
And heal the deeper scars within.
This coffin holds a man assessed
As fit for work a day ago
By state contractors unimpressed
By anything that doctors know.
Too many sanctions so subdued
This woman that she fears to meet
The boss’s eye when interviewed,
And all her efforts bring defeat.
Late benefits and meagre pay
Force starving people to the shelves
Of foodbanks which are filled each day
By willing staff, unpaid themselves.
The student who would volunteer
Is juggling study, work and debt
(From which she never will be clear).
The teacher’s driven to forget,
By teaching to exams and Sats,
That learning can be fun. The nurse,
Her wages capped by bureaucrats,
Resigns her job, while doctors curse
Their increased shifts. So too increase
The number of emergencies
Which strain the firemen and police,
As all the cuts in services
Drag care at home towards collapse.
While far away the soldiers’ lot
Is poor equipment, handicaps
which mean they are blown up or shot.
So on and on the wasted lives
Pile up, the straw and chaff of fields
Where every winnowed penny drives
Wealth’s greed for great and greater yields.
Until a careless hand lets drop
A spark of hope into this tinder,
A wisp of flame no-one can stop
A growing blaze no-one can hinder …
But then, in dreadful blasphemy,
The metaphor becomes exact –
Where they had burned symbolically,
The living poor now burn in fact.
As though a second sun ignited,
The world acquires a double light,
Two Londons interlocked but disunited,
Two visions separating in the night.
Where Wealth and Power stand in all the blaze
Of selfish triumph, now beside them stands
A tower of sulphur flames and reaching hands.
A baby falling through the haze
Of smoke and debris, in the hope
Its future will be saved, is caught
By Power? No. Its life is brought
To safety by those hands which cope
Day in, day out, with giving care
To others. Power lets them slip,
Her hands too bloody to keep grip,
Her ministry grown deaf to prayer.
Church and mosque,
we open our hearts, our hands and doors
to all our neighbours
who organise the clothes and toys,
food and drink,
bedding and toiletries, brought for those
who have fled their homes
with only what they’re standing in.
What we can
we do for them; we give them a bed,
though to sleep is hard
until the waking nightmares pass.
Some have room
to give them more – a mother and child
get a new home filled
with love, while they cope with the news.
Grief and fear
are proving a burden far too great
for others; we sit
and quietly listen while they share
Tales of loss
they cannot believe, but know are true,
until we grow sure
time will confirm the dreadful cost.
We feel rage
they cannot express, and take their part
in march after march
for truth, for justice and for aid.
On the walls
We all share our photographs and words,
So silence is heard
When there is nothing else at all.
The council and the government,
Like Power’s folded arms, hold still
And silent, lacking any will
To help. While they are negligent,
The local people act. They come
As volunteers who make no charge
For what they give – their hearts are large,
Their hands are ready, they don’t succumb
To doing nothing without pay: a form
Of shadow role is taking shape
In what they do. New truths escape
Control, beginning to transform
The whole idea of who should rule,
Who should decide, and how they do –
And slowly, as they think it through,
The people turn on every fool
Who had authority but failed
To care about what should be done.
Out of the smoke the second sun
Shines brighter and won’t be curtailed.
In the chaos of smoke and flame
we cling to a hand, a thread –
black or white,
living or dead –
it is all the same in the dark,
in the silence of screaming and quiet words
on the stairs, on the phone,
each voice our own
and none the same and all the same.
Day after day
with nowhere to stay and nowhere to go
we remember the broken thread,
the hand let go,
but still do not know
who is living, and who is dead.
Our warnings had gone unheard –
so many, so long – a world
of experience gathered to speak
and left in the dark,
and even twenty-four floors of truth
are obscured in the need to find an excuse.
But for us it is day;
the threads of the future are black and white,
we know what is wrong and what are our rights
as the promises break and we are betrayed.
When the children look up, and we must explain
why home is a crater, a ruin (again),
why love is a spreading stain of blood and soot (again),
why we’re not sure if we’ll eat today (again),
We will not be unheard again.
We will tell them why.
The fire is here now. Goodbye.
But Power, with a billion pounds
To slip to those who give her strength,
Pushes these victims to arm’s length,
To her five million really sounds
Enough to buy new rags. She knows
From long experience far more
Will be donated and the store
Of willing helpers only grows
As she falls short. Let charities
Pick up the tab and pass the cost
Onto the poor she’s double-crossed
Before; let strangers, families
And friends give care and homes. Wealth spurs
Her on, he wants no riff-raff here
To cause new purchasers to sneer
At low connections; social slurs
Could wreck his life, you understand.
The Press runs round in circles, mad
With contradictions – news so bad
Cannot be buried, but it’s fanned
Such rage against its masters that
Each fresh report becomes a threat
To Wealth and Power, each regret
Mere mouthings of a plutocrat.
Their trusted strength begins to fade
Like shadows in the rising sun,
The new light, shining on what’s done
And undone, puts them in the shade.
… for we are the missing
uncounted and nameless
cremated or buried
or cargoes disposed of
with nothing to mark us
for we are the missing
both adults and children
from factories tunnels
construction of buildings
plantations and houses
from battles and protests
we gather un-numbered
to be with these others
for we are the missing
who burned on the altar
of cutting of corners
or saving of pennies
or just disregard for
the interests of people
who seem unimportant
to those who will profit
from death and destruction
deformity sickness
or injury wasting
the lives of so many
for we are the missing
in earthquakes eruptions
tsunamis infernos
and landslides who lived on
the edge of disaster
because there was nowhere
more safe we could go to
for we are the missing
the present and future
erased from our being
the past unforgotten
enduring forever
for we are the missing …
The shadows of the past break through
The long delusion of the age –
The smoke and mirrors on the stage
Exposed, revealing what is true.
Now Power’s human smile is shown
To be a mask she hides behind,
Her eyes mere empty sockets, blind
To any interests but her own.
Wealth brings no living without cost,
Creating social dystrophy
Through work that’s all but slavery,
Starvation when a job is lost.
That justice, which saw nothing wrong
In making poverty a crime
And waging dodgy wars, in time
Will come for them. Meanwhile a throng
Of artists, carers, volunteers
And others freely give support
To all those Wealth and Power extort
For their last breath. The darkness clears,
As tens of thousands start to lend
Their voice to calls that straight away
We should raise benefits and pay;
Austerity, they say, must end.
Displaying solidarity
With those who suffered at her hands
They party, rap to decks and bands,
And celebrate community.
It’s grime
Is how we’re livin’, how we rhyme.
We’re doin’ time.
We’re victims of a greater crime.
We’re doin’ time.
We’re doin’ time.
We’re victims of a greater crime.
We’re doin’ time.
They turn the streets into a prison.
Stop an’ search and give no reason.
Treat us like we’re meat that’s rotten
There’s nothin’ left but to take the street.
Burn the street.
On the street
We’re everyone we meet, the city beat.
We’re doin’ time.
We’re doin’ time.
We’re victims of a greater crime.
We’re doin’ time.
We’re doin’ time.
Lookin’ back at life, I turn the pages.
See they give me nothin’ but a life of cages,
Trapped in shitty jobs with shitty wages.
Now my home is where they saved a buck,
’Cos they couldn’t give a fuck.
They got rich off my bad luck
And pretty looks is shitty soot
As fire rages.
We’re victims of a greater crime.
We’re doin’ time.
I’m burned out of where I’m livin’,
Why should I take what they are givin’.
I ain’t givin’ no forgivin’!
This fire rages.
Inside, outside, this fire rages
To be free.
We ain’t doin’ time no more.
We’re victims of a greater crime.
An’ we ain’t doin’ time no more.
We ain’t doin’ time no more.
We’re victims of a greater crime.
We ain’t doin’ time no more.
We ain’t doin’ time no more.
We’re free.
The sun is now eclipsed by light,
No longer blinding with the fixed
Ideas of Wealth and Power, but mixing
Different visions and uniting
Those whose lives had been confined.
The prison bars just melt away,
No stronger than the falling rain
Of water vital to the thriving
Growth of plants. We can step into spring
With poppies, elderflower, roses, bees,
A dawn to dusk of song, but more than these
The knowledge that our lives can change.
The first stone buildings in the world
Were built without the need for wages,
Inequality, chiefs or slaves –
The Maltese people had determined
What they needed and created
Through a thousand years of freedom
Lasting monuments to peace
And harmony without a state.
We are not starved for lack of work
But starved to stop us doing more –
A billion hands could end all worry
About the climate, war and worse,
But those who keep them idle seek
To trap our labour for themselves,
So work which doesn’t profit them
Will strip our means and leave us weak.
It’s in our hands to seize the future,
To recognise the bottom line
As strung along a fence we need to climb
To travel forward. One thing is sure:
Power is helpless when the people lead;
When life is managed from below
At work, in planning and at home
Democracy thrives in the streets.
A Parliament already hung
Needs conscience dragging at its knees
To break its neck, and leave us free
To finish what we have begun.
Through fire we find the real solution:
Rejecting work as Power’s debtor
And choosing work for something better,
Where every person’s contribution
Is free, lifelong, unbound by pay;
Where every year is one long May
Of joy at change and revolution,
With fresh excitement every day.
William Alderson’s collection A Moment of Disbelief; poems on war, terrorism and refugees has just been published by Poetry Salzburg (http://www.poetrysalzburg.com