The post-election anti austerity surge came to Manchester as over 350 turned up to the monthly meeting of the city’s People’s Assembly group reports Penny Hicks
The regular monthly meeting of Manchester People’s assembly turned into a huge public assembly of over 350. Actor Julie Hesmondalgh (recently finished playing Hayley in Coronation street) joined our panel of Green, Labour, TUC and People’s Assembly speakers commenting on questions and views from the audience. People queued to book coach tickets with near £1,000 collected.
Two local students called an anti austerity protest on May 23 which has attracted over 4,000 on Facebook. In backing the event the People’s Assembly is able to bring an even wider audience and give practical support.
We will be Locking Privatisation out of the NHS for the People’s Assembly National Day of Action. Padlocks with messages of love for the NHS will fixed to the railings of the Manchester Royal Infirmary on Oxford road.
Julie Hesmondhalgh (Hayley from Corrie) speaking at the Manchester People’s Assembly meeting tonight
Posted by The People’s Assembly Against Austerity on Tuesday, 12 May 2015