Counterfire’s freesheet has been a hit in the Palestine movement. Due to popular demand we are running an appeal to step up production

Counterfire’s paper is one of the most popular on the left. We have gone weekly over much of the last few months and members and supporters have distributed tens of thousands of copies on demonstrations and protests up and down the country.

We have had amazing feedback about the content of the paper and the series of poster front pages. The freesheet offers detailed analysis on the political situation in the UK, as well as a revolutionary take on the ongoing crisis in Palestine.

We now want to step up our print run and expand our distribution, both of which which will cost us money. We are asking all our members and supporters to contribute to the crowdfunder to help make this happen.

Please give generously – socialist analysis and reportage has never been more important.

Donate here.

Before you go

Counterfire is growing faster than ever before

We need to raise £20,000 as we are having to expand operations. We are moving to a bigger, better central office, upping our print run and distribution, buying a new printer, new computers and employing more staff.

Please give generously.