Stop the War Coalition launches open letter and calls a protest to defend Wikileaks founder Julian Assange at 1pm on Tuesday 14 December outside Westminster Magistrates court

Open letter signed by: John Pilger journalist and filmmaker Lindsey German Stop the War Coalition Iain Banks author Roger Lloyd Pack actor Salma Yaqoob Birmingham councillor Craig Murray former UK ambassador Yvonne Ridley journalist Caryl Churchill playwrite Mark Thomas comedian A L Kennedy author Celia Mitchell actor Alexei Sayle comedian and author Miriam Margoylyes actor David Gentleman artist Ben Griffin former British soldier Katharine Hamnett designer Terry Jones comedian and writer Andy Delatour actor Peter Tatchell political activist Ken Loach Film Director

We protest at the attacks on Wikileaks and in particular on Julian Assange.

The leaks have assisted democracy in revealing the real views of our governments over a range of issues which have been kept secret, and which are now irreversibly in the public domain.

Everything we knew about the mass killing, torture and corruption in Iraq and Afghanistan has been confirmed.

The world’s leaders can no longer hide the truth by simply lying to the public.

The lies themselves have been exposed.

The actions of major corporations such as Amazon, the Swiss banks and the credit card companies in hindering Wikileaks, are shameful, bowing as they do to pressure from the US government.

The US government and its allies, and their friends in the media, have built up a campaign against Assange which now sees him in prison facing extradition on dubious charges, with the presumed eventual aim of ensuring his extradition to the US.

We demand his immediate release, the dropping of all charges, and an end to the censorship of Wikileaks.

Download letter and use as a petition…