join Counterfire

What is Counterfire?

Counterfire is a socialist organisation committed to building the biggest possible movements against a system that is creating more and more crisis and misery.  

Whether or not we get real change depends on wider struggles in society, it depends on mass movements, popular protests and on workers taking action. We believe that this kind of popular opposition requires a dynamic extra-parliamentary left, rooted in workplaces, communities and colleges. 

We also believe that these struggles are connected. Racism, sexism and all oppressions are a product of a society based on the exploitation of workpeople by a tiny minority of capitalists. War, climate change and inequality are all symptoms of a chaotic system based on competition for profits.    

In the process of helping to build resistance, Counterfire puts the case for a revolutionary socialism that ultimately seeks popular control of society and genuine liberation for all.

What we do…

Our members are actively involved in the protest movements and workers struggles around the country, and we are organising local Counterfire groups – currently online – to help build solidarity with struggles and popularise socialist ideas and analysis.

As well as putting on a wide range of debates, public meetings and other events around the country, we run one of the best read websites on the left which has scores of contributors and tens of thousands of readers every month and – in normal times – we distribute thousands of copies of the left’s first free paper. 

Please join us and help make change happen.



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