An appeal for funding for a trip to Palestine, to bear witness to the everyday violence of war and occupation
In exactly one month from now, I will departing to attend a US delegation of activists to Israel and Palestine. From the 18-29 May, the delegation will consist of 15-20 US activists of many faiths and no faiths traveling to Israel and the West Bank. I will be the only UK representative taking part. The goals of the delegation are to witness the ongoing conflict and occupation, to support human rights activities in the region, and to return home to educate people about the conflict and the US and British government involvement in the region. Some highlights of our delegation will be meeting with Israeli and Palestinian peace activists working to end the occupation, political and religious leaders. I will be writing exclusive reports of my journey for Counterfire.
Upon being politicised for the first time and witnessing the devastation and onslaught on Gaza, I wanted to show solidarity in person and offer meaningful help. Initially I looked for volunteering to help with rebuilding homes, but was unable to come across any volunteer opportunities in Gaza. I found the IFPB delegation to be the most unique, enriching, and comprehensive programme. It is led by leading academics and introduces us to exceptional grass roots activists and NGOs working tirelessly and risking their lives to end the Occupation.
On this delegation I want to:
- Observe the work done on the ground and hear from Palestinians themselves about the help they want and where I can be most useful
- Make connections with NGOs for future volunteering experiences
- To develop as an activist by using my gained knowledge and experience to raise awareness upon my return home
- Document my experiences with an audio visual and written account
- Access the benefits IFPB offer, such as ongoing support, resources, 50 delegation experience, safety, and a varied and diverse programme with local guides.
I need to raise over £2000 to participate in this delegation. By sponsoring me, you would help me purchase my plane ticket and the other essential fees, which covers food, transportation, and accommodations. I am paying for the trip as much as I am able, but I need your donations to cover the rest.
For more details on what I am hoping to achieve visit gofundme.com/vyaragoespalestine
To know more about the Interfaith Peace Builders, please go to ifpb.org
You can also follow my journey by searching for SatyaGrahaBlog via Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram and signing up for updates on the gofundme campaign listed above. www.satyagraha.co.uk coming soon.
Most of all, I am grateful to all at Counterfire, for believing in me and giving me an opportunity to make my trip even more meaningful by giving a platform for my reports from the Occupied Territories.
To make this trip a reality, please donate and share this campaign.