We are relaunching Counterfire.org with more content, more staff, more interactivity and an increased focus on the growing movement of protest and trade union action

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In just over three years of existence, Counterfire has made a mark.

From opposing Cameron’s rush to attack Syria, to promoting the People’s Assembly movement, our website and associated publications have broken the mould on the left and become an important resource for activists.

The site brings together reports, reviews and much needed socialist analysis and comment by activists and experts from Jeremy Corbyn MP to Tariq Ali and Lindsey German, from blacklisted trade unionists to student leaders and Afghan anti-war activists.

We cannot rely on the mainstream media to give a voice to all those fighting injustice, war and austerity.

As well as relaunching the website we are moving to print the Counterfire free broadsheet more regularly.

All this will cost money. To expand our work we need to raise £5,000 in the next month.

  • £500 could pay for new software for video and print production.
  • £200 could buy a RAM upgrade to improve the performance our production computer.
  • £50 could buy a digital voice recorder for a volunteer journalist
  • £20 could buy storage media for a photographer to capture images and video

Donations of any size will help towards our target – no amount is too big or too small. Please give generously.