Alex Snowdon examines the grim reality of Israel as an apartheid state: how it was constructed, what it means for those who suffer under it, and how it is sustained

This book is about changing the narrative on Israel and Palestine. It is not a two-sided conflict that requires a ‘peace process’ and separate states for the two sides. It is a story of colonisation, of dispossession through violence, that starts before Israel’s foundation in 1948 and continues to this day.
Alex Snowdon examines the grim reality of Israel as an apartheid state: how it was constructed, what it means for those who suffer under it, and how it is sustained. Ultimately, he argues, understanding the truth about Israel and Palestine provides the basis for charting a way forward, to a single, democratic state, respecting the rights of all its citizens.
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27 Feb 2012
Rafeef, Ben and Mbuyiseni on Israeli Apartheid Week
17 Nov 2011
Remi Kanazi – ‘This poem will not end apartheid’, London, 12.11.11
30 Mar 2011
Ali Abunimah & David Cronin: Israeli apartheid and beyond – video
29 Mar 2011
David Cronin: Israeli apartheid and beyond. 24.3.11, London
24 Mar 2010