science is vitalFurther details of the demonstration against cuts outside the Treasury in London are now confirmed. For the most up-to-date information please visit the Science Is Vital website.


The rally will be alongside HM Treasury, on King Charles Street, LONDON SW1A 2AH.


Saturday 9th October 2010, at 2 PM.


You! And another 2,000 scientists and supporters‚Äîif you haven’t already done so, please sign the petition and check the box to let us know you’re coming. To make a visual impact, we encourage you to wear or carry something that signifies science‚Äîfor example, if you work in a lab, wear a lab coat; if you’re an astronomer, bring a telescope; or simply carry a banner with a picture of something scientific you love.


Bring placards and banners with slogans saying why Science is Vital. We’re also in the process of arranging a great lineup of speakers‚Äîdetails soon.

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