Demonstration against NHS privatision. Photo: Gwydion M. Williams Demonstration against NHS privatision. Photo: Gwydion M. Williams

Join us in wishing the NHS a happy 70th Birthday and in standing up to defend it tomorrow in London

Tomorrow will see central London brimming with tens of thousands of demonstrators, in a gesture of unwavering support for our NHS. The purpose of the day is twofold: it gives us a chance to celebrate the NHS’s 70th birthday together, but also to show our anger at the terminal damage being done to it by this government. 

Supporters of the NHS, from all corners of the country, and from all walks of life, will be coming together to mark this anniversary. Whitehall will be turned into one big birthday party, organised by The People’s Assembly Against Austerity and Health Campaigns Together, with Jeremy Corbyn among those delivering birthday wishes. 

We all know what the NHS is. We all know how important it is. But now we need to turn this majority public opinion into a force for fundamental change.  Last week Theresa May announced that government spending on the NHS would increase by £20bn a year by 2023 but this is basic statistic fudging because that still amounts to less than the 3.7% annual budget increase that the NHS has seen since its foundation in 1948.  

A decade of austerity and underfunding has lead to severe staffing shortages, services being cut, hospitals and wards being closed, and parts of our health service being outsourced to private companies.

We need to be out in full force to remind this weak government that the NHS is ours and that it is not for sale.  Passivity is not an option when faced with a government more invested in taking lives abroad than saving lives at home – we must show our opposition clearly on the streets and demonstrate that the movement has the strength and vitality to protect our services against those who would degrade and destroy them.

So join the thousands of us in the fight for the health service we so greatly deserve,  free for all at the point of use regardless of means.  

Here is the link to the Facebook event, share widely!